To all goodwill people
3. Main directions of application and economic efficiency of GISS

3.2 Creating conditions for preventing or deterring terrorist acts and international conflicts

The solution to this problem is ensured, since with the global functioning of the GISC it will be impossible to secretly provoke something in international waters and airspace of any country.

Continuous recording and archiving of GISS signals in ground-based centers for their reception and processing provides the ability to objectively investigate emergency events, restore the situation in the air and ground space at the required time and in the specified zones of terrorist acts that occurred in the past.

For example, the sad events with two Malaysian airliners MH370 and MH17 (Fig. 3.6). If the GISS functioned, it would be enough from the time and place of take-off to conduct a subsequent analysis of the route, flight altitudes, circumstances and place of death.

In the future, you can also expect similar incidents with accidental explosions of tankers or gas transport vessels (Fig. 3.7). So, for example, this year, either a rocket or an unmanned aircraft flew into a Saudi Arabian oil refinery. One can assume the malicious intent of Iran, but with the functioning of the GISC, an objective investigation would show where and what came from.

Of course, at the international level, it is necessary to legislate the objectivity of the investigation of emergencies using the analysis of databases registered with the GISS GRPS in three or more neighboring countries.

In the history of aviation operation, there have been many cases associated with the search for missing aircraft and helicopters (see slide in Fig. 3.8). When creating a system for continuous radar monitoring of near-earth space, this vital problem can also be solved very effectively.