To all goodwill people
3. Main directions of application and economic efficiency of GISS

3.12 Air target detection radars for air defense of any country

Air defense and missile defense systems and complexes with modern radars for detecting air targets are unique and modern means with excellent characteristics. They have one drawback – they emit powerful signals. In a crisis period before the start of hostilities by the enemy, which has no less effective missiles with homing at the source of radiation of radar signals, these radars with a high probability will function only for the first 30 minutes after the launch of homing missiles. The creation of a GISS with an operating global space constellation, whose spacecraft emit powerful sounding signals in the L- and X bands, will allow the introduction of additional active-passive radar systems into modern air defense systems and provide long-range detection of air targets without emitting their signals. This is a separate new direction of work, as an additional bonus in interest in the creation of GISS. Preliminary estimates show the reality of success in their implementation, with much longer detection ranges, especially in oceanic naval theaters, where there are no powerful signals from TV repeaters and base tations of cellular communications.