To all goodwill people
1. Purpose, construction principles and solved problems

1.2 Objectives of the system

1.2.1   Creation of conditions for strengthening international security, deterring aggression and preventing the possibility of a surprise nuclear missile attack, through global and continuous three-dimensional radar control over the activities of strategic offensive forces of eventual adversaries, timely detection of missile launches of various purposes and basing.

In addition, conditions are being created to ensure international control over the implementation of treaties on the limitation of tests of missiles for various purposes and basing, due to global and continuous three-dimensional radar control of near-earth space.

1.2.2   Creation of conditions for the prevention or containment of terrorist acts and international conflicts, since with the global operation of the GISS it will be impossible to secretly provoke something in international waters and airspace of any country. Continuous recording and archiving of GISC signals in ground-based centers for their reception and processing provides the ability to objectively investigate emergency events, restore the situation in the air and ground space at the required time and in the specified zones of terrorist attacks that occurred in the past.

1.2.3   Provision of a wide range of telecommunication services at low rates due to the dual use of spacecraft (SC) GISS for radar sensing of the Earth and various types of communication.

Provision of personal satellite communication services and broadband Internet access in the technologically developed L- and X-frequency ranges for underdeveloped regions of Russia, Mongolia, Indo-China, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa and many other regions of India, South America, Arctic and Antarctica will be in wide demand.

1.2.4   Resolving the international problem of shortage of the orbital-frequency resource allocated for telecommunication services through the joint cognitive use of the frequency range allocated on a primary basis for radar sensing of the Earth from space and radar. The 625 MHz X-band and 85 MHz L-band bands could be added to the existing orbital-frequency resource allocated for satellite communications, which will be reused in each of the service areas around 5000 km in diameter on the Earth's surface.

1.2.5  Creation of an international global space transport information and telecommunication IP-network, functioning regardless of the adopted political decisions of any of the countries, which, in addition to profits from the provision of services for the transmission of international IP-traffic, reserves the existing fiber-optic communication lines and together with small-sized mobile and stationary terminals satellite communications in the X- and L-bands will ensure the rapid restoration of communications in the regions of natural disasters and man-made disasters and guaranteed control of their country by each government during the period of local conflicts.

1.2.6   Development of the scientific and technological base of the rocket and space industry and related corporations and enterprises of the radio-electronic industries in many countries, including by attracting extra-budgetary funds from a wide range of countries interested in the creation of the GISS proponents of the concept of a multipolar world, and investors.