To all goodwill people
2. Basic technical principles of operation and characteristics of GISS

2.5 Global Broadband Satellite System and data exchange in the X-band

The main directions for achieving an effective (competitive) solution to this problem are similar to those given above for the L-band, the possibilities for the speed of information flows will always be higher due to the larger available OFDM signal bandwidth in the X-band.

The subscriber access speed to territorial networks on the “uplink” can be implemented from 2.0-4.0 Mbps for subscriber terminals with a low-directional antenna (3 dB) and low radiation power (2—4 W) and up to 200-400 Mbps for terminal stations with tracking phased array and assignable bandwidth parameters and signal-code structure of used signals.

In the transmission mode of the information flow with full power and a narrow beam (9°—10°) of the on-board AESA (together with the radar of the given zone) for AT with directional antennas on the downlink can achieve a speed of 0.6 to 0.9 Gbps with an appropriate choice of the band and the signal-code structure of the OFDM signal.

Such broadband access capabilities provided by GISS in 36, 72, 144 or 288 service areas around the globe exceed the capabilities of existing VSAT satellite networks in the C-, X-, Ku-, Ka-bands.