To all goodwill people
2. Basic technical principles of operation and characteristics of GISS

2.3 Personal satellite communications, N2N and loT information exchange services in the L-band

Depending on the composition of the orbital constellation, a global network of IP voice personal communications is created in 36, 72, 144 or 288 service areas around the globe, up to 10/20 thousand subscribers in each zone (about 1000 simultaneous calls with a load level of 0.1/0.2 Earl).

The network operates at minimal energy costs (up to 100 W) for transmission from the L/X spacecraft on the downlink and up to 100 mW for transmission from a conventional mobile handset AT (as cellular's Smartphone) with an omnidirectional antenna for transmission on the uplink voice traffic — 4.8 kbps.

The total capacity of such a network can grow to 1.44/ 2.88 million subscribers and more with a decrease in the demand for the level of network load in Earl.

A similar capacity of machine-to-machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) information exchange networks can be created to provide services for monitoring the state of oil and gas pipelines, collecting data from autonomous weather stations, terminals of automated identification systems (AIS) in road transport, ships of sea (river) transport, container transport, animal tracking and many other applications and sensors.

Depending on the radiation power of small-sized M2M and IoT terminals and the directional properties of their antennas, exchange rates from units to hundreds of kbps can be realized.

The high power of probing request IP packets in these applications and threefold reservation of the routes for receiving the requested M2M and IoT information ensure the guaranteed provision of such services to users and a high degree of competitiveness in comparison with other systems.

Within the framework of this engineering note, there is no need for a detailed analysis of possible options for the technical implementation of a personal satellite communication network, various types of signal-code structures used, access control modes and maintaining the “handover” mode when changing the used spacecraft and / or narrow service beams, as well as possible options for the implementation of a variety of terminal equipment.

Each of the specialists can offer a variant of how he himself would implement the provision of this type of communication services, which we call for.